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24 December 2014

Sage Accounting Software – FREE!

Sage One accounting, cashflow & bookkeeping application - free!If you’re a small to medium-sized business* and are one of our customers then this may be of interest to you. Sage One Cashbook the online accounts, cashflow and bookkeeping application, is available free of charge via our Taxfile office in London, so long as you’re one of our customers. There is no other catch – we will genuinely pay your monthly subscription for you if you’re our client!

Why is it free?

Well, together with making your life easier, it’ll help us streamline things at our end because, with your permission, we will also be able to log into your Sage One account to collaborate with you over your income and expenditure records. Also, reconciliation of your bank data is likely to also become quicker and easier. This would not be possible with a desk-top application.

Sage One Cashbooks:

  • is easy – no accounting experience is necessary;
  • can be set up for you at our end – making it even easier for you to hit the ground running;
  • helps you keep your small business* income & expenditure records safely and securely;
  • routinely backs up your data in the background;
  • allows you to automate statements for your clients;
  • allows you to generate reports such as the profit for the month or even a Profit & Loss report at the year end;
  • can easily be upgraded to include things like payroll …
  • … and much, much more.

Check out the more detailed post we published on The Tax Blog yesterday to learn more. Carefully follow the instructions therein if you’d like to sign up (i.e. contact us at Taxfile to sign up in order to get it free – you cannot get the free deal online, or anywhere else).

* Larger business please note: as a larger business you may be more suited to a slightly different package; Sage 50 Accounts 2015, but we can help there too! We have a very limited number of CDs for this, more advanced, application, each available at Special Offer rates which we’re just putting together now. Contact us urgently to express an interest in one of these packages at the earliest opportunity – we genuinely only have a small handful available currently.


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